Environmental Assessment Consulting

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We assist organizations in conducting environmental assessments.

We collaborate with governments and project proponents to offer strategic advice and perform environmental and social impact asssessments for project proposals. Our approach is centered on science and decision making.

We also conduct strategic environmental assessments (SEAs). A SEA fully and systematically assesses the effects of a government plan, program, or policy and proposes alternative solutions. It aims to integrate environmental considerations upstream of decision-making.

Additionally, we partner with major engineering consulting firms to conduct environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs) to assess different alternatives for large projects by providing expertise in multi-criteria decision support

Our services in environmental assessment


AUDITERRA provides customized project solutions that are adapted to their environments and meets client needs by championing an approach based on properly understanding sustainable development and environment.

The firm provides impact assessment, risk assessment, policy/program evaluation and strategic planning that cover the following fields:

Environmental impact assessment

Environmental program evaluation

Strategic environmental assessment

International multilateral program performance

Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility

Environmental program monitoring

Team and mission

Founded in 2017, AUDITERRA was born from observing the gaps between the rigour of the methods developed in university research and the gaps in the methods commonly used in project impact studies. By creating the firm, we aimed to carry out mandates to bridge this gap between research and the practice of environmental assessment on the field for better decision-making.

Our mission is to carry out quality environmental assessments that integrate the best methods based on science and innovation to promote informed decision-making.

AUDITERRA stands out for its multidisciplinary team, whose expertise and dedication enable us to address the complexity of environmental and social issues effectively. Depending on the nature of the mandates, we complete our teams by calling on our network of collaborators, ensuring that our collective knowledge covers all areas linked to these issues.

Our experts and collaborators are united by solid human values centred on sustainable development. This commitment is at the core of everything we do, making us a company that not only talks about sustainability but actively works towards it.

Learn more about our team

Our clients