Our projects

Our firm will strive to support you and your projects or to optimize your activities, plans and programs by making sustainable development key.

AUDITERRA serves companies, communities, NGOs and government agencies that care about performance and sustainable development:

Government departments and Crown corporations working on sustainable development issues

Internal auditors in governmental institutions and private companies

Developers of infrastructure projects having environmental impacts

Local municipalities, towns, cities and RCMs

Private companies

Auditor generals in governmental institutions

Our achievements

These achievements illustrate our typical services in performance audits and environmental, territorial and ecosystem assessments, but do not represent an exhaustive list. Please contact us for more information about our projects. We would be more than happy to share our portfolio with you.

Security and emergency organizational's preparedness

Managing the development of public transportation

Managing urban planning inspections

Regional planing for land development

Geomatics, photo interpretation and spatial analysis

Wetlands characterization and flora inventory

Environmental assessment (geomorphology, pedology and hydrography analysis)

Our clients